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Dobie BPO Logo


The J. Frank Dobie Band Parent Organization (BPO) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, volunteer organization committed to enriching our local children’s high school band experience. This is accomplished through various fundraising campaigns, the administration of student band and color guard fees, and volunteer services including chaperones, uniforms, food and refreshments, equipment loading/moving, trailer maintenance, etc.


We are always looking for new and exciting fundraisers so that our students can gain the greatest success for their efforts. If you have any ideas or suggestions for fundraising activities, or if you would like to volunteer for our fundraising team, please click here to contact our Fundraising Team by email.

Summer Car Washes

Each month during the Summer, our band offers car washes at a local business. Students are expected to sell car wash tickets and then sign up for at least two of the three wash events. This is usually our first fundraising event of the school year and nets a respectable amount of donations.


Dobie Carwash Fundraiser
World's Finest Chocolate

Familiar to many families, one of our oldest fundraisers asks students to sell chocolate to friends and family. With a respectable rate of return, it is a fundraiser that gets a lot of participation and brings a much-needed infusion of funds to the band program.


Mrs. Field's Cookie Dough

With more than just frozen cookie dough, our Mrs. Field's fundraiser is easily becoming a band favorite for its number of sale offerings including various cheesecakes, sweet rolls, and a wide variety of popular cookie flavors.

Mattress Sale

While not what one would expect of a school fundraiser, the mattress sale has a very low entry cost for our students, with a competitive rate of return. 


Spaghetti Dinner & Bake Sale

Usually planned for around our Winter Concert, the spaghetti dinner has quickly become one of the most anticipated fundraisers of the year.  In addition to the dinner, a bake sale is typically offered at the same time with offerings to satisfy nearly every sweet tooth.


Concession Sales

While not a fundraiser that requires full band participation, the concession sales revenue is a predictable source of funds generated by supporting the multiple band events hosted at Dobie High School. 


Special Fundraisers

There have been other types of special fundraisers utilized by our BPO over the years, that have generated funds in sufficient quantity to warrant seeking future opportunities for them. These include, but are not limited to the sale of "show shirts", holiday band ornaments, and raffle tickets to name a few. 


Dobie Band Fundraiser
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