2025 - 2026
The J. Frank Dobie Band Parent Organization (BPO) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, volunteer organization committed to enriching our local children’s high school band experience. This is accomplished through various fundraising campaigns, the administration of student band and color guard fees, and volunteer services including chaperones, uniforms, food and refreshments, equipment loading/moving, trailer maintenance, etc.
We are excited to offer you the opportunity to help support this group of young people through our tax-deductible, corporate sponsorship program.
Our offered support levels and the benefits to you and/or your company are detailed below. Please direct any questions or comments to our Corporate Sponsorship Team.

Corporate Sponsorship Overview

Band Spirit Donation Overview
Band Spirit (These items can be purchased individually, or in combination)
“Game Night” Dinners - $10/student/event
Prepared meals for traveling performances and competitions
Water Campaign - $10/water unit (each unit provides for ~ 36 students)
Hydration is imperative all year long, especially while traveling
Student Scholarship Fund - $100+
Minimum donation is $100.
Provides much-needed financial assistance for students engaged in special marching teams, workshops, and competitions.
Funds may also provide financial support to outgoing seniors who have been accepted into college after graduation.
General Donations
All other monetary support or donations in-kind are accepted.
With so many moving parts, the Dobie Band is always in need of various supplies to support its day-to-day objectives.
Any of the following Items:
Snacks, Drinks, Sidewalk Chalk, Sewing Supplies, Alkaline Batteries,
Water Jugs, Feminine Hygiene Products, Pencils, Gaffer Tape, Etc.
Ready to Get Started? Click Below to Become A Sponsor​​
Disclaimer: All Corporate Sponsorship rewards are subject to availability.